Posted on March 5, 2020
Understanding the role of both the club path and hand path through the impact zone is key to controlling ball flight.
Most golfer’s fear the concept of swinging the hands left post impact thinking its going to create a slice. If done incorrectly then for sure it can cause that ball flight.
But its key to understand that in order to hit a shot without curvature you will need the hands to work left and the club head work left post impact.

What I would like you to try to do is to create a big gap between the hands and club head post impact. This will reduce the amount of hand flip at contact. Therefore controlling the amount of rotation of the hands and club head.

Above gap between hands and club head
Best way to achieve this is by hitting half shots making the hands work left sharply through impact and holding the left wrist firm and flat.
Click this link to see my video on this topic: